1. Mormon given responsibility for sacred records (read Mormon 1)
- Compare the early lives of Mormon and Joseph Smith what things are similar or different?
- What losses did the Nephites experience during this time?
- What conditions existed among the Nephites as Mormon was given this significant responsibility?
- Ponder the following questions and be prepared to share your thoughts:
- Why did Mormon rejoice when he saw the people mourning?
- What is the difference between “sorrowing . . . Unto repentance and “the sorrowing of the damned”? (see also Corinthians 7:9-10)
- What gave Mormon hope and peace? How can we maintain hope and peace?
- What is the importance of recognizing blessings we receive from the Lord?
- Why are we commanded not to seek vengeance? What does that mean to you?
Sacred Records were written for:
- Mormon 3:17 Gentiles, House of Israel
- Mormon 3:18 Ends of the earth, Twelve tribes of Israel
- Mormon 3:19 Remnant of this people (descendants of Lehi and Ishmael)
- Mormon 5:9 Remnant of Nephites & Lamanites
- Mormon 5:14 Unbelieving of the Jews
Purposes of sacred records:
- Mormon 3:20 Judgment seat is for all
- Mormon 3:21 Believe the gospel of Jesus Christ
- Mormon 5:15 Provide witness that Jesus is the Christ
- Mormon 5:14 Persuade unbelieving Jews
- Mormon 3:22 To persuade everyone to repent
Try to imagine what Mormon was going through as he prepared and fought in this last battle
- Elder Neal A. Maxwell warned: “Only reform and self-restraint, institutional and individual, can finally recsue society! Only a sufficient number of sin-resistant souls can change the marketplace. As Church members we should [can] be part of that sin-resistant counterculture” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1993, 96)
- Moroni 9:25:26 “. . . may Christ lift you up. . .and rest in your mind forever and the grace of God the Father . . . abide with you forever. . ."
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